Legal & Normative Compliance
The DIAGONAL COMPANY Group also has extensive experience in the areas of:

Testamentary: With the most innovative solutions on the market, ranging from issuing legal opinions for the legitimacy of heirs and distribution of the estate, to personalized service heir with the support of a specialized call center and formalizing units to accompany the heirs throughout the process awarding inheritance, keeping customers loyalty for the benefit of the Institution. Backed into a powerful management platform, "Legatus" offering full traceability of the process (recording calls, emails, sms...everything associated in dates and files within the file itself). Services provided with different approaches, both in the field of banking, insurance companies, tanning, notary...
Validation of powers: Issuing reports to ensure the sufficiency of the powers the representatives have for each specific case and the legitimation of whom are awarded by, compatible with the most powerful platform in the market that can offer many added values to mere validation (help-desk offices, law enforcement money laundering certificates ...) and technology partner ECSC-Bank managing the UGB (General Unit bastanteos) prompted by this with the goal of becoming a tool of trade sectoral validations.
Judicial procedures concerning claim amount, with or without mortgage, judicial management combining with registration in the same process. And civil and criminal proceedings for the judicial recovery of possession.
Closing accounts and / or start filing lawsuits process, from obtaining and collecting the necessary documentation for the filing of the application, certified balance debtor and creditor burofax shipping and prior to commencement of lawsuits step.
Judicial and Administrative Communications, managing and responding to the information requirements of the different Public Organizations directed to the Financial Entities.
Control and monitoring deadlines of lawyers and solicitors
DIAGONAL COMPANY has the most innovative solutions both from a technological point of view as the Legal & Regulatory Compliance service area (Testamentary, Validations...).